Supported formats
CAD formats
AutoCAD™ | DWG - all versions (up to Autodesk AutoCAD® 2024) |
AutoCAD™ | DXF ASCII/BINARY all versions |
Drawing Template | DWT |
Autodesk Design Web Format | DWF |
CADSoftTools drawing template | DXT |
Vector Image and Metafiles
Scalable Vector Graphics | SVG SVGZ |
Metafiles | WMF |
Enhanced Metafiles | EMF |
3D Formats
3D Studio and many others | 3DS |
Stereolithography file format (ANSI and binary) | STL |
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification | IGES |
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data | STEP |
WaveFront Model File | OBJ |
Industry Foundation Classes | IFC |
Parasolid® Model Part File | X_T X_B |
SolidWorks® Part File | SLDPRT |
SolidWorks® Assembly File | SLDASM |
ACIS SAT Model File | SAT |
Boundary Representation File Format | BREP |
Autodesk Inventor Data Format | FSAT |
ACIS binary file | SAB |
Autodesk Shape Manager Text File | SMT |
AutoDesk Inventor CAD part | IPT |
GNU Triangulated Surface | GTS |
Triangular Irregular Network vector file format | TIN |
ASCI Scene Export | ASE |
Blitz 3D model files | B3D |
Ghoul2 (GLM) model files | GLM GLX GLA |
Pulsar Studio LMTS File Format | LMTS |
LightWave 3D Object File (6.0 or above) | LWO |
Nurbs surfaces vector file | NURBS |
NormalMapper Files | NMF |
FSRad OCT Files | OCT |
Stanford Triangle Format vector file | PLY |
Virtual Reality Modeling Language vector file | VRML |
MDSfiles | MDC |
Quake2 | MD2 |
Quake3 | MD3 |
Doom3 mesh vector file format | MD5 |
Half-Life | SMD |
Quake3 | BSP |
Raster Image
Autodesk images | CEL PIC |
CALS Image | CAL CG4 GP4 |
Compuserve GIF | GIF |
Icon file | ICO |
JPEG images | JPG JPEG |
JPEG 2000 images | J2K J2C JNG JP2 |
Portable network graphic images | PNG |
Tagged Image File Format TIF images | TIF TIFF |
Windows Bitmap | BMP RLE DIB |
Complex Formats
Computer Graphics Metafile | CGM |
Export formats
CAD VCL allows converting files and provides a wide range of export settings, for example, black-and-white mode, specifying the output file size, etc. Here is the full list of supported export formats:
Vector Formats (are supported in the versions CAD VCL Enterprise and CAD Export VCL)
Adobe Acrobat Document | PDF |
AutoCAD™ | DWG |
AutoCAD™ | DXF |
Adobe Flash | SWF |
Computer Graphics Metafile | CGM |
CADSoftTools drawing template | DXT |
Scalable Vector Graphics | SVG |
Hewlett-Packard | HPGL PLT |
3D Formats (are supported in the version CAD VCL Enterprise)
Stereolithography files | STL |
WaveFront Model File | OBJ |
ACIS SAT Model File | SAT |
Raster Formats and Metafiles
Bitmap Files | BMP |
Compuserve GIF | GIF |
JPEG images | JPG |
Portable network graphic images | PNG |
TIFF images | TIF TIFF |
Windows Metafiles | WMF |
Enhanced Metafiles | EMF |
Adobe Flash File Format | SWF |
G-code (is supported in the version CAD VCL Enterprise)
Mastercam Numerical Control File | NC |