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AssignThe method copies a CAD image object and increase reference to the Converter object.
CommonToInternalUnitsThe method converts CAD coordinates of an image to the coordinates of the inner drawing's coordinate system.
ConvertHPGLStepsToMMThe method converts units of the TsgHPGLImage object from HPGL steps to millimeters.
ConvertMMToHPGLStepsThe method converts units of the TsgHPGLImage object from millimeters to the HPGL steps.
CreateCreates and initializes a new TsgHPGLImage object.
DestroyDestroys an instance of TsgHPGLImage
InternalToCommonUnitsThe method converts the coordinates of the inner drawing's coordinate system to the CAD coordinates of an image.
LoadFromStreamThe method loads a CAD image from stream.
MeasurementThe method returns the information about measurement system for linear and angular measures.
Methods derived from TsgCADImageDescription
AbsHeightThe method returns the entire height of the CAD image.
AbsWidthThe method returns the entire width of the CAD image.
AddScaledDXFThe method adds a new drawing to the TsgCADImage object.
AddScaledDXFExThe method adds a new drawing to the TsgCADImage object.
DrawRectThe method renders a part of a loaded drawing on a device context specified by DC.
ExportToMetafileThe method exports a CAD drawing to a Windows Enhanced metafile
GetCADCoordsThe method returns coordinates of a point on a drawing.
GetEntityColorThe method returns the entity's color.
GetExtentsThe method recalculates the drawing extents.
GetObjectSnapMaskThe method returns the object snap mode.
GetPointThe method converts point from the 3D coordinate system to the 2D coordinate system.
GetPointUCSThe method converts the UCS coordinates to the screen coordinates.
GetRealImagePointThe method the real coordinates of the point.
GetSnapDataThe method returns the data structure that contains the closest entity to the argument point, and the node point.
GetVisibleAreaThe method returns the visible area.
LoadFromClipboardFormatThe method loads from clipboard.
LoadFromFileThe method loads a CAD image from file.
RefreshCurrentLayoutThe method refreshes sizes of the current layout.
ResetDrawingBoxThe method switches off the drawing box.
RotateThe method rotates the current image.
RotDefaultThe method rotates the image to the default view.
RotToViewThe method rotates the image by parameter defined in A3DView.
SaveToClipboardFormatThe method saves to clipboard.
SaveToFileThe method saves the image to the file.
SaveToStreamThe method saves the image to the stream.
SetObjectSnapMaskThe method sets the object snap mode.
SetVisibleAreaThe method sets an area for snap.
StopLoadingThe method stops loading the file and displays only the loaded data.