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Unit: DXFConv

Class Hierarchy



The TsgDXFConverter class provides the list of entities (made on the TsgDXFEntity base), loaded from a CAD file. This is the manager class. The TsgDXFConverter class implements the main operations of the import.

This class is intended for:


TsgDXFConverter = class;


AllArcsAsCurvesThe property sets/gets arcs converting mode.
AngleThe property specifies an angle of the turn around of the global Z-axis.
AutoInsertThe property specifies the block references (INSERTs) processing in the Iterate method.
BlocksThe property realizes the indexed access to block.
CircleZoomPercentThe property sets/gets arcs converting mode.
CodePageThe property returns code page written in a file.
CountsThe property indicates the number of elements in the specified section.
DefaultLayoutIndexThe property returns the index of the active LAYOUT.
DimensionStylesThe property returns the TsgDXFDimensionStyle object.
DisplayImageFrameThe property gets or sets a value indicating whether to display image frame.
EntitiesThe property contains entities loaded from the CAD file.
ExtentsThe property returns drawing extents describing in the DXF-file header.
FieldListThe property gets a list of fields in the OBJECTS section of the DXF file.
FileNameThe property gets or sets name of the file for loading.
HeadEndThe property gets or sets end of the file header section.
HeadVarStructThe property sets or gets the TsgHeadVarStruct structure.
HideWipeoutsThe property specifies if the borders of the TsgCADWipeout objects are hidden.
ImageDefsThe property returns the TsgDXFImageDef entity specified by the Index number.
ImportModeThe property is the ViewPort model showing mode.
Is3DThe property determines if the loaded CAD file is three-dimensional.
IsCrossoverMatrixThe property gets or sets the value indicating orientation of the used coordinate system.
IsHaveActiveVPortThe property indicates, does converter have the active VPort.
LScaleThe property displays global linetype scale.
LTypesThe property contains the linetypes loaded from the CAD file.
LayersThe property contains the layers loaded from the CAD file.
LayoutsThe property returns the layout with the specified index.
LayoutsCountThe property is the layouts quantity.
MainThe property is the main section and includes all other sections.
MaxEntitiesThe property is the maximum possible count of loaded entities.
MaxHandlethe property gets or sets the maximal handle of an entity.
NumberOfPartsInCircleThe property is the circle drawing quality.
NumberOfPartsInSplineThe property is the spline drawing quality.
ObjectsThe property gets the OBJECTS section of the DXF file.
OwnSourceThe property is for internal uses.
PaperSpaceThe property specifies which entities space is used.
ParamsThe property sets drawing parameters.
PointDisplayModeThe property gets or sets the value indicating the mode of displaying TsgDXFPoint entities in the loaded CAD file.
SHXFontsThe property returns the TsgSHXFontList object.
SectionsThe property contains the sections loaded from the CAD file.
SourceThe property gets or sets source of the CAD file.
StylesThe property returns the TsgDXFStyle object.
TablesThe property realizes the indexed access to all table, described in TABLES of the DXF file or loaded from other supported CAD files.
UseSHXFontsThe property specifies if the SHX fonts will be used.
ViewPortCutIf True the drawing occurs inside of viewport.
VPortThe property is the view direction from the target point.
XRefSearchPathThe property gets or sets the secondary search path where the XRef files are searched forcibly.
XRefSearchPathsThe property gets the list of search paths for the XREF entities.
XRefsThe property gets the list of external references to the DWG/DXF files.


AddLayoutThe method adds the TsgDXFLayout object.
AddXRefThe method adds the TsgDXFXref object.
AddXRefExThe method adds the TsgDXFXref object.
BlockByNameThe method searches the TsgDXFBlock object by name and returns it if it exists.
CleaningLayoutsThe method deletes all empty instances of TsgDXFLayout class with the exception of the Model_Space LAYOUT.
ClearThe method deletes all items from the list.
CountThe method returns total number of loaded entities.
CreateThe method creates a new TsgDXFConverter object.
DeleteBlockThe method deletes the TsgDXFBlock object.
DeleteDimStyleThe method deletes dimension style if DoFree is true.
DeleteLayoutThe method deletes layout if it's not a model layout.
DestroyThe method destroy an instance of the TsgDXFConverter object.
DimensionStyleByNameThe method adds object of the TsgDXFDimensionStyle object.
DoExtentsThe method counts dimensions of drawing.
ExtractFromTableThe method removes AEntity from ATable.
GenerateModelViewPortThe method creates, initializes and returns the TsgDXFViewPort object for Model_Space LAYOUT.
GetLScaleThe method returns global linetype scale.
GetLayerNamesThe method populates a list with names of the layers.
GetTransform3dThe method is for internal uses.
GetUCSThe method returns the TFMatrix object that determines users coordinates system.
InitializeSectionsThe method makes necessary initializations for sections.
IterateThe method calls the Proc procedure for each existing entity.
LTypeByNameThe method returns linetype with AName or nil if the linetype with such name does not exist.
LayerByNameThe method returns layer with the name specified in AName.
LayoutByNameThe method returns the TsgDXFLayout object by its name if it exists.
LinesByNameThe method returns the linetype with name AName, or nil if lines with such name does not exist.
LoadThe method loads the DXF file.
LoadsThe method processes the special protected Loaded method with the E entity and increments the Count property.
LoadsByClassesThe method calls Loads for all entities from entities list and their ancestors.
NewEntityThe method adds new entity to AOwner.
PosThe method returns index of the current position in the Source property.
ReferenceThe method increments the number of references to instance of the TsgDXFConverter class that are currently in use.
ReleaseThe method decrements the number of references to instance of the TsgDXFConverter class that are currently in use.
RemoveEntityThe method deletes the entity.
SetSourceStreamThe method is for internal uses.
SetTransform3dThe method is for internal uses.
SortEntitiesThe method sorts entities.
SortEntitiesByHandleThe method sorts entities in list by handles.
SortEntitiesInZDepthThe method sorts entities by Z coordinate parameter.
StopLoadingThe method terminates the DXF file loading.
StyleByNameThe method adds TsgDXFStyle object.
ViewTwistMatrixThe method returns the rotation matrix of view.


AfterReadThe event occurs after reading a DXF file.
BeforeReadThe event occurs before reading a DXF file.
OnCreateThe event event occurs when new is loaded from a CAD file.
OnReadThe event occurs while reading every element of a CAD file.