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BackClipPlaneThe property specifies Z-coordinate of back cut off plane.
ClippingBoundaryHandleThe property presents only if viewport is non-rectangular.
FlagsSee DXF Reference, for example: Flags = 131072 (0x20000) - Turns the viewport off).
FrontClipPlaneThe property sets and gets the list of layers forbidden for showing in viewport.
FrozenLayersThe property specifies Z-coordinate of front cut off plane.
MSpaceCenterThe property is coordinates of model view area center in model coordinates, which displayed in view port.
MSpaceHeightThe property is the model view area height represents in model units.
OrdIndexThe property is descendant of the TsgDXFGroup class.
PSpaceCenterThe property sets and gets center point.
[PSpaceHeight]/Reference/CAD%20database%20structure/Entities/TsgDXFViewport/(Properties/PSpaceHeight)The property sets and gets height in paper space units.
PSpaceWidthThe property sets and gets width in paper space units.
RectThe property calls this property for obtain view port boundary.
ThisIDThe property sets or gets viewport ID.
ViewDirectionThe property sets and gets view direction vector.
ViewTargetThe property sets and gets view taret point.
ViewTwistAngleThe property sets and gets view twist angle.
VisibleBoundaryThe property sets visibility of the boundary.
XDataAppNameThe property sets or gets the application name.
Derived from TsgDXFPenEntityDescription
PenThe property for reaching the TPen object, used for drawing.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
BoxThe property determines the 3d box embraced the entity.
ColorThe property gets or sets entity color.
ColorCADThe property gets or sets a color for drawing entities.
ComplexThe property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities.
ConverterThe property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object.
CountThe property indicates the total number of child entities.
EntitiesThe property lists all child entities.
EntTypeThe property indicates type of an entity.
HandleThe property is used for finding entity links.
LayerThe property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given.
LineTypeThe property sets and gets line type for an entity.
LineTypeScaleThe property sets and gets the Linetype scale.
LineWeightThe property sets or gets line weight in millimeters.
PaperSpaceThe property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation.
SrcEndThe property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
SrcStartThe property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
VisibilityThe property sets and gets entities visibility.
VisibleThe property determines whether the component appears onscreen.