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Derived from TsgDXFProxyDescription
ClearThe method clears a list of sub-entities.
CreateInitializes a new instance of the TsgDXFProxy class.
DestroyDestroys an instance of the TsgDXFProxy class.
InsertEntityThe method adds the TsgDXFEntity object to sub-entities list at the position specified by index.
Derived from TsgDXFPenLineDescription
AssignEntityThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLWeightThe method call SetLWeight to change line weight of the entity.
Derived from TsgDXFPenEntityDescription
SetColorThe method changes the color used for drawing.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
AddEntityThe method adds a new child entity.
CloneThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle).
DrawThe method generates the OnDraw event.
EntNameThe method returns an entity name.
GetBoxPointsThe method is used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn.
SetLTypeThe method sets line type of the entity.