Unit: DXFConv
The TsgDXFlwPolyline
class defines polyline (entity LWPOLYLINE). A 2D line of adjustable width composed of line and arc segments. Lightweight polylines are optimized to display more quickly than standard polylines and save system resources. The decision to use a lightweight polyline or a standard polyline is controlled by the PLINETYPE system variable.
TsgDXFlwPolyline = class(TsgDXFPolyline )
Derived from TsgDXFPolyline | Description |
Arrows | The property indicates the list that contains coordinates of dimension line arrowheads. |
EndWidth | The property sets or gets default end width . |
GlobalWidth | The property sets or gets GlobalWidth for polyline. |
IsMeshMClosed | The property returns true is the MeshM is closed. |
IsMeshNClosed | The property returns true is the MeshN is closed. |
IsPolyFaceMesh | The property determines whether the polyline is polygon mesh. |
IsPolygonMesh | The property determines whether the polyline is polygon mesh. |
MeshM | The property indicates instance of the TsgLines object containing information about line type. |
MeshN | The property indicates polygon mesh M vertex count (default = 0). |
PolyFaceVertexIndexes | The property displays polygon mesh N vertex count. |
PolyLineEntities | The property indicates features of the pen used for drawing polyline. |
StartWidth | The property indicates the list contains indexes of a polyface mesh vertexes. |
Derived from TsgCADBasePolyline | Description |
Closed | The property gets or sets a value indicating whether a polyline is closed. |
DottedPoints | The property gets a point specified by Index parameter from the TsgCADBasePolyline.DottedSingPts list. |
DottedSingPts | The property gets coordinates of the polyline points as a list of pointers to TFPoint.If a value of IsSolid property is True, DottedSingPts contains a value of Polypoints property. |
Flags | The property gets or sets a value of polyline flag (bit-coded), default is 0. |
IsPolyZThickness | The property gets a value indicating whether the polyline has thickness on OZ axis. |
Points | The property gets a point from the PolyPoints list by its index. |
PolyPoints | The property gets a list of points that belong to the polyline. |
Derived from TsgDXFPenLine | Description |
Extrusion | The property indicates direction to local axis z. |
LineType | The property returns line type the TsgDXFLineType entity. |
Point | The poroperty contains coordinates for the base point. |
ZThick | The property contains offset by Z axis (Thickness in AutoCAD terms). |
Derived from TsgDXFPenEntity | Description |
Pen | The property for reaching the TPen object, used for drawing. |
Derived from TsgDXFEntity | Description |
Box | The property determines the 3d box embraced the entity. |
Color | The property gets or sets entity color. |
ColorCAD | The property gets or sets a color for drawing entities. |
Complex | The property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities. |
Converter | The property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object. |
Count | The property indicates the total number of child entities. |
Entities | The property lists all child entities. |
EntType | The property indicates type of an entity. |
Handle | The property is used for finding entity links. |
Layer | The property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given. |
LineType | The property sets and gets line type for an entity. |
LineTypeScale | The property sets and gets the Linetype scale. |
LineWeight | The property sets or gets line weight in millimeters. |
PaperSpace | The property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation. |
SrcEnd | The property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file. |
SrcStart | The property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file. |
Visibility | The property sets and gets entities visibility. |
Visible | The property determines whether the component appears onscreen. |
Derived from TsgDXFPolyline | Description |
AddEntity | The method adds entity to polyline. |
AssignEntity | The method copies properties of source entity to current entity. |
Create | Creates internal objects after creating this instance. |
Destroy | Frees up internal objects before destroying this instance. |
Iterate | The method converts DXF/DWG tree structure to a linear sequence of entities, similar to Windows metafile. |
Derived from TsgCADBasePolyline | Description |
DottedCount | The method returns a quantity of DottedSingPts in the TsgCADBasePolyline object. |
GetBoxPoints | The method see the TsgDXFEntity.GetBoxPoints method. |
PointCount | The method returns a quantity of PolyPoints in the TsgCADBasePolyline object. |
Derived from TsgDXFPenLine | Description |
GetThickness | The method returns entity's thickness. |
SetLWeight | The method call SetLWeight to change line weight of the entity. |
Derived from TsgDXFPenEntity | Description |
SetColor | The method changes the color used for drawing. |
Derived from TsgDXFEntity | Description |
Clone | The method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle ). |
Draw | The method generates the OnDraw event. |
EntName | The method returns an entity name. |
SetLType | The method sets line type of the entity. |
Derived from TsgDXFEntity | Description |
OnDraw | The event occurs when the Draw method is called. |