TsgDXFAcadTable Properties
Properties | Description |
BaseCell | The property gets a base cell of the table. |
Cell | The property gets or sets a cell of the table. |
ColWidth | The property gets or sets column width. |
Flags | The property gets or sets flag values. |
NumCols | The property gets or sets a number of columns. |
NumRows | The property gets or sets a number of rows. |
OverrideFlags | The property gets or sets flags for an override. |
Properties | The property gets or sets the TABLESTYLE object. |
RowHeight | The property gets or sets row height. |
Sizes | The property gets or sets row height or column width depending on ANeedRowSize parameter value. |
Style | The property gets or sets table style. |
Derived from TsgDXFInsert | Description |
Angle | The property sets or gets a rotation angle. |
Attribs | The property returns a list of the TsgDXFAttrib entities. |
Block | The property sets or gets inserted block. |
Extrusion | The property displays direction to local axis z. |
Owner | The property for nested block references, points to the TsgDXFInsert object whose block contains this block reference. |
Scale | The property contains scale in the X , Y and Z directions. |
Derived from TsgDXFCustomVertex | Description |
Point | The property contains coordinates of the vertex. |
Derived from TsgDXFEntity | Description |
Box | The property determines the 3d box embraced the entity. |
Color | The property gets or sets entity color. |
ColorCAD | The property gets or sets a color for drawing entities. |
Complex | The property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities. |
Converter | The property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object. |
Count | The property indicates the total number of child entities. |
Entities | The property lists all child entities. |
EntType | The property indicates type of an entity. |
Handle | The property is used for finding entity links. |
Layer | The property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given. |
LineType | The property sets and gets line type for an entity. |
LineTypeScale | The property sets and gets the Linetype scale. |
LineWeight | The property sets or gets line weight in millimeters. |
PaperSpace | The property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation. |
SrcEnd | The property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file. |
SrcStart | The property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file. |
Visibility | The property sets and gets entities visibility. |
Visible | The property determines whether the component appears onscreen. |