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This function must call the Proc procedure with all "box" points needed for this checking. The Full parameter specifies a full (if set to True) or reduced (if set to False) checking. (Reduced checking is allowed when the local coordinates are transformed to global without any rotation).By default, TsgDXFEntity.GetBoxPoints receives the entity box from GetBox function and then passes to the Proc procedure 2 box points (TopLeft and BottomRight) if the Full parameter is set to False, or 8 box vertices if the Full parameter is set to True. Entities can override this method to implement more effective algorithm; for example, TsgDXFLine.GetBoxPoints ignores the Full parameter and always passes to the Proc procedure only two points.GetBoxPoints returns True if all points passed to Proc are REAL entity points, such as for LINE, POINT and some other entities. By default, GetBoxPoints returns False; for example, the box of INSERT entity is the common box of its block.There is no need to call this function directly; TsgCADImage.Draw calls it automatically for each entity.


function GetBoxPoints(Proc: TFPointProc; Full: Boolean): Boolean; override;