AcadTable | The property gets ACAD_TABLE entity. |
AttdefHandle | The property gets or sets a handle of the attribute definition in the block table record. |
AutoFit | The property gets or sets a flag indicating if the autofit option is set for the cell. |
BaseCell | The property gets a base cell of the table. |
BaseCellRange | The property gets a region of the base cell. |
BkColorOn | The property gets or sets a flag for whether background color is enabled. |
BlockRecordHandle | The property gets or sets a handle of the owning BLOCK record. |
BlockScale | The property gets or sets a block scale. |
BorderColor | The property gets or sets a color value for each border of the cell. |
BorderLineWeight | The property gets or sets a lineweight for each border of the cell. |
BorderVisible | The property gets or sets a flag for visibility of each border type of the cell. |
CellAlignment | The property gets or sets a cell alignment. |
CellRange | The property gets a region of the cell. |
CellType | The property gets or sets a cell type. |
Col | The property gets a column number. |
DataType | The property gets or sets cell data type. |
Field | The property gets or sets the FIELD object. |
FillColor | The property gets or sets a value for the background (fill) color of cell content. |
Flags | The property gets or sets flag values. |
IsBaseCell | The property gets or sets a flag for whether the cell is base. |
IsTextType | The property gets or sets a flag for whether the cell is a text-type. |
Merged | The property gets a flag for whether the cell is merged. |
MergedHeight | The property gets or sets a value of merged height. |
MergedValue | The property gets or sets cell merged value. |
MergedWidth | The property gets or sets a value of merged width. |
NumAttdefs | The property gets or sets a number of attribute definitions in the block table record (applicable only to a block-type cell). |
OverrideFlag | The property gets or sets a flag for an override. |
Rotation | The property gets or sets a rotation value (applicable for a block-type cell and a text-type cell). |
Row | The property gets a row number. |
SpanX | The property gets or sets a span of the cell along X axis. |
SpanY | The property gets or sets a span of the cell along Y axis. |
Text | The property gets or sets a text string in a cell (applies only to text-type cells). |
TextColor | The property gets or sets a value for the color of cell content. |
TextHeight | The property gets or sets a text height. |
TextStyle | The property gets or sets a text style. |
UnitType | The property gets or sets a cell unit type. |
VirtualEdgeFlag | The property gets or sets a flag value for a virtual edge. |