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Here's the table with the entities.

Tsg2DArcThe class defines the 2D arc entity.
Tsg2DBoundaryListThe class defines list of boundaries that have a specified type.
Tsg2DCurveThe class is the base class for a set of the 2D entities.
Tsg2DEllipseThe class defines the 2D ellipse entity.
Tsg2DLineThe class defines the 2D line entity.
Tsg2DPolylineThe class defines the 2D polyline entity.
Tsg2DSplineThe class defines the 2D spline entity.
TsgAcadTableCellThe class defines the cell of ACAD_TABLE.
TsgAcadTableCellStyleThe class defines the cell style of the ACAD_TABLE object.
TsgCADBasePolylineThe class is the base class for objects that include polyline(s).
TsgCADCurvePolygonThe class defines the POLYGON entity with curve borders
TsgCADGradientPolygonThe class defines the GRADIENT entity for the CAD files.
TsgCADHatchThe class defines the HATCH entity for the CAD files.
TsgCADHelixThe class defines the HELIX entity for the CAD files.
TsgCADMInsertThe class defines the MINSERT entity for the CAD files.
TsgCADMLineThe class defines the MLINE entity for the CAD files.
TsgCADMPolygonThe class defines the MPOLYGON object.
TsgCADPolyPolygonThe class defines the base POLYGON class for the CAD entities.
TsgCADRasterVariablesThe class represents the RASTERVARIABLES object.
TsgCADWipeoutThe class defines the WIPEOUT entity for the CAD files.
TsgDXF3dFaceThe class defines the 3D triangular or quadrilateral plane section.
TsgDXF3dSolidThe class defines the ACIS entity 3DSOLID.
TsgDXFAcadTableThe class defines the ACAD_TABLE entity.
TsgDXFAcadTableStyleThe class defines the style of ACAD_TABLE.
TsgDXFACISEntityThe class is the ancestor for the TsgDXF3dSolid, TsgDXFBody and TsgDXFRegion classes.
TsgDXFArcThe class defines the ARC entity.
TsgDXFAttdefThe class defines a text string that describes the characteristics of an attribute (entity ATTDEF).
TsgDXFAttribThe class defines an object containing text that links to a block (entity ATTRIB).
TsgDXFBlockThe class defines an item of the BLOCK table of the CAD file.
TsgDXFCircleThe class defines the full circle(entity CIRCLE).
TsgDXFCustomVertexThe class defines entity containing base point (TFPoint).
TsgDXFBlockRecordThe class encapsulates the BLOCK_RECORD table of the TABLES section in the DXF files.
TsgDXFBodyThe class defines the ACIS BODY entity.
TsgDXFDimensionThe class defines special type for insert a linear dimension measuring.
TsgDXFDimensionStyleThe class defines the DIMSTYLE entity of the DXF file.
TsgDXFEllipseThe class defines the full ellipse or elliptic arc (entity ELLIPSE).
TsgDXFEntityThe class is the base class for all entities classes.
TsgDXFGradientThe class is a descendant of the TsgCADCurvePolygon class.
TsgDXFGroupThe class is the base class for all the entities that include child entities.
TsgDXFImageDefThe class defines the item of IMAGEDEF of the DXF file.
TsgDXFImageEntThe class defines image entities of the CAD file.
TsgDXFInsertThe class defines the block insert (entity INSERT).
TsgDXFLayerThe class defines an item of the LAYER table of the DXF file.
TsgDXFLayoutThe class encapsulates the LAYOUT object of the OBJECTS section.
TsgDXFLeaderThe class defines a leader line (entity LEADER) is the object that can be composed of an arrowhead attached to splines or straight line segments.
TsgDXFLineThe class defines a single line segment (entity LINE).
TsgDXFLineTypeThe objects of this class are the record of the LTYPE table of the DXF file.
TsgDXFLWPolylineThe class defines polyline (entity LWPOLYLINE).
TsgDXFMTextThe type defines text wrapped by the rectangle (entity MTEXT).
TsgDXFObjectEntityThe class defines intermediate base class for the most entities.
TsgDXFObjectEntityColorThe class defines intermediate base class for the most entities.
TsgDXFOle2FrameThe class defines the OLE2FRAME entity.
TsgDXFPenEntityThe class is the base class for all entities classes which contains pen (TPen) for drawing.
TsgDXFPenLineThe class defines the line of the particular thickness.
TsgDXFPenTableItemThe element of the LTYPE or LAYERS tables.
TsgDXFPointThe class defines a point marker that can appear as a dot, square, circle, X, tick, or plus sign (+), or as a combination of these figures (entity POINT).
TsgDXFPolylineThe class defines a polyline (entity POLYLINE).
TsgDXFProxyThe class defines ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY.
TsgDXFRegionThe class defines the ACIS REGION entity.
TsgDXFSectionThe class is the base class of the all classes that define the DXF file sections.
TsgDXFSeqendThe entity marks the end of vertex for a polyline, or the end of attribute entities for an insert entity that has attributes.
TsgDXFShapeThe class defines the SHAPE entity for the CAD files.
TsgDXFSolidThe class defines the filled 2D area(entity SOLID).
TsgDXFSortEntsTableThe class defines the SORTENTSTABLE object of the DXF file.
TsgDXFSplineThe class defines a quadratic or cubic nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curve (entity SPLINE).
TsgDXFStyleThe class defines the STYLE entries of the DXF file.
TsgDXFSurfaceThe class defines the SURFACE entity.
TsgDXFTableThe class defines the item from the TABLES section of the DXF file.
TsgDXFTextThe class defines the single line of alphanumeric characters (entity TEXT).
TsgDXFToleranceThe class defines the TOLERANCE entity for the CAD files.
TsgDXFTraceThe class defines the TRACE entity for the CAD files.
TsgDXFVertexThe class defines particular point on the polyline (entity VERTEX).
TsgDXFViewportThe class defines an area in paper space that contains a view of model space.
TsgDXFVportThis entity contains View twist angle and View direction vector for Model Space of drawings.
TsgDXFXRefThe class defines an external references to a single drawing (entity XREF).
TsgFlatEntityThe class defines the base class for 2D entities.
TsgFlatHatchThe class defines the 2D HATCH entity.
TsgFlatPolyThe class serves for converting the POLYLINE entity to the flat 2D POLYLINE entity.