Here's the table with the entities.
Entity | Description |
Tsg2DArc | The class defines the 2D arc entity. |
Tsg2DBoundaryList | The class defines list of boundaries that have a specified type. |
Tsg2DCurve | The class is the base class for a set of the 2D entities. |
Tsg2DEllipse | The class defines the 2D ellipse entity. |
Tsg2DLine | The class defines the 2D line entity. |
Tsg2DPolyline | The class defines the 2D polyline entity. |
Tsg2DSpline | The class defines the 2D spline entity. |
TsgAcadTableCell | The class defines the cell of ACAD_TABLE . |
TsgAcadTableCellStyle | The class defines the cell style of the ACAD_TABLE object. |
TsgCADBasePolyline | The class is the base class for objects that include polyline(s). |
TsgCADCurvePolygon | The class defines the POLYGON entity with curve borders |
TsgCADGradientPolygon | The class defines the GRADIENT entity for the CAD files. |
TsgCADHatch | The class defines the HATCH entity for the CAD files. |
TsgCADHelix | The class defines the HELIX entity for the CAD files. |
TsgCADMInsert | The class defines the MINSERT entity for the CAD files. |
TsgCADMLine | The class defines the MLINE entity for the CAD files. |
TsgCADMPolygon | The class defines the MPOLYGON object. |
TsgCADPolyPolygon | The class defines the base POLYGON class for the CAD entities. |
TsgCADRasterVariables | The class represents the RASTERVARIABLES object. |
TsgCADWipeout | The class defines the WIPEOUT entity for the CAD files. |
TsgDXF3dFace | The class defines the 3D triangular or quadrilateral plane section. |
TsgDXF3dSolid | The class defines the ACIS entity 3DSOLID . |
TsgDXFAcadTable | The class defines the ACAD_TABLE entity. |
TsgDXFAcadTableStyle | The class defines the style of ACAD_TABLE . |
TsgDXFACISEntity | The class is the ancestor for the TsgDXF3dSolid , TsgDXFBody and TsgDXFRegion classes. |
TsgDXFArc | The class defines the ARC entity. |
TsgDXFAttdef | The class defines a text string that describes the characteristics of an attribute (entity ATTDEF ). |
TsgDXFAttrib | The class defines an object containing text that links to a block (entity ATTRIB ). |
TsgDXFBlock | The class defines an item of the BLOCK table of the CAD file. |
TsgDXFCircle | The class defines the full circle(entity CIRCLE ). |
TsgDXFCustomVertex | The class defines entity containing base point (TFPoint ). |
TsgDXFBlockRecord | The class encapsulates the BLOCK_RECORD table of the TABLES section in the DXF files. |
TsgDXFBody | The class defines the ACIS BODY entity. |
TsgDXFDimension | The class defines special type for insert a linear dimension measuring. |
TsgDXFDimensionStyle | The class defines the DIMSTYLE entity of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFEllipse | The class defines the full ellipse or elliptic arc (entity ELLIPSE ). |
TsgDXFEntity | The class is the base class for all entities classes. |
TsgDXFGradient | The class is a descendant of the TsgCADCurvePolygon class. |
TsgDXFGroup | The class is the base class for all the entities that include child entities. |
TsgDXFImageDef | The class defines the item of IMAGEDEF of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFImageEnt | The class defines image entities of the CAD file. |
TsgDXFInsert | The class defines the block insert (entity INSERT ). |
TsgDXFLayer | The class defines an item of the LAYER table of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFLayout | The class encapsulates the LAYOUT object of the OBJECTS section. |
TsgDXFLeader | The class defines a leader line (entity LEADER ) is the object that can be composed of an arrowhead attached to splines or straight line segments. |
TsgDXFLine | The class defines a single line segment (entity LINE ). |
TsgDXFLineType | The objects of this class are the record of the LTYPE table of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFLWPolyline | The class defines polyline (entity LWPOLYLINE ). |
TsgDXFMText | The type defines text wrapped by the rectangle (entity MTEXT ). |
TsgDXFObjectEntity | The class defines intermediate base class for the most entities. |
TsgDXFObjectEntityColor | The class defines intermediate base class for the most entities. |
TsgDXFOle2Frame | The class defines the OLE2FRAME entity. |
TsgDXFPenEntity | The class is the base class for all entities classes which contains pen (TPen ) for drawing. |
TsgDXFPenLine | The class defines the line of the particular thickness. |
TsgDXFPenTableItem | The element of the LTYPE or LAYERS tables. |
TsgDXFPoint | The class defines a point marker that can appear as a dot, square, circle, X, tick, or plus sign (+), or as a combination of these figures (entity POINT ). |
TsgDXFPolyline | The class defines a polyline (entity POLYLINE ). |
TsgDXFProxy | The class defines ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY . |
TsgDXFRegion | The class defines the ACIS REGION entity. |
TsgDXFSection | The class is the base class of the all classes that define the DXF file sections. |
TsgDXFSeqend | The entity marks the end of vertex for a polyline, or the end of attribute entities for an insert entity that has attributes. |
TsgDXFShape | The class defines the SHAPE entity for the CAD files. |
TsgDXFSolid | The class defines the filled 2D area(entity SOLID ). |
TsgDXFSortEntsTable | The class defines the SORTENTSTABLE object of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFSpline | The class defines a quadratic or cubic nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS ) curve (entity SPLINE ). |
TsgDXFStyle | The class defines the STYLE entries of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFSurface | The class defines the SURFACE entity. |
TsgDXFTable | The class defines the item from the TABLES section of the DXF file. |
TsgDXFText | The class defines the single line of alphanumeric characters (entity TEXT ). |
TsgDXFTolerance | The class defines the TOLERANCE entity for the CAD files. |
TsgDXFTrace | The class defines the TRACE entity for the CAD files. |
TsgDXFVertex | The class defines particular point on the polyline (entity VERTEX ). |
TsgDXFViewport | The class defines an area in paper space that contains a view of model space. |
TsgDXFVport | This entity contains View twist angle and View direction vector for Model Space of drawings. |
TsgDXFXRef | The class defines an external references to a single drawing (entity XREF ). |
TsgFlatEntity | The class defines the base class for 2D entities. |
TsgFlatHatch | The class defines the 2D HATCH entity. |
TsgFlatPoly | The class serves for converting the POLYLINE entity to the flat 2D POLYLINE entity. |