CAD VCL Enterprise Review by Pascal Eynard, France

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CAD VCL Enterprise Review by Pascal Eynard, France

I’ve been using this component since 2008. It allows the clients of my electrical software WinRelais to import DXF symbol files of equipment manufacturers and to export circuit diagrams.

Its integration with Delphi is very simple and the documentation is complete. In case of issues, the forum and the technical support have always efficiently answered my questions. This component allows full and easy access to the DXf file structure. The tested freeware components don’t allow this and are not enough "professional". Up to now, I haven’t found out the limits of this component.

Reading of DXF files has never caused a problem for my clients. Whatever the origin and version of a DXF file. I have never had any complaints about this.

I’m also using DXF export. Initially, i used to write myself in the TStringList component (DXF ist text) but DXF format is very difficult! It is easier and faster to use this component by CADSoftTools. I don’t have to understand DXF format syntax any more. Besides, it exports to DXF and DWG: Thus, my end users can choose.

So, I continue using CAD VCL Entreprise component by CADSoftTools. Even if the price might seem high, there’s high quality and service. At last, this component allowed my software WinRelais to become "professional".

Pascal EYNARD / Developer / France
Software WinRelay, the English version: