

CAD Export VCL 9.1

18.07.2013 07:00

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the release of CAD Export VCL 9.1.

CAD Export VCL is a library that is intended to be used by CAD developers in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE. CAD Export VCL provides an API for export to various file formats, including AutoCAD® DWG, AutoCAD® DXF, HPGL/2, CGM, SVG, SWF, PDF.

Some changes have been implemented in the new version including:

  • Export to AutoCAD® DWG file format;
  • Export of MLINE entities is added.


CAD Import VCL 9.1

18.07.2013 06:00

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the release of CAD Import VCL 9.1.

CAD Import VCL is a library that is intended to be used by CAD developers in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE. CAD Import VCL provides an API for import of many vector and raster formats, including AutoCAD® DWG/DXF, Autodesk® DWF, HPGL, HPGL/2, CGM, SVG, TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF. CAD Import VCL also provides easy access to the structure of imported CAD drawing, its graphical (entities) and non-graphical objects.

Some changes have been implemented in the new version including:

  • Support of 3D formats: STEP, IGES, STL, ASIS SAT and BREP;
  • Tsg3DDrawingNavigator component for viewing 3D files;
  • Processing of splitted line types is improved.


CADViewX 9

20.06.2013 08:10

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the release of CADViewX 9.

CADViewX is an ActiveX component for viewing, editing and printing CAD and other graphic files. CADViewX supports AutoCAD® DWG/DXF, Autodesk® DWF, HPGL, SVG, CGM, BMP, JPEG, WMF, EMF, GIF and many other formats.

CADViewX provides an API that helps developers to create CAD software with sophisticated capabilities. The functionality of the product can be accessed from programming languages like C++, Visual Basic, Delphi. CADViewX is also .NET compatible meaning that VB.NET, C#, and J# programmers can take full advantage of the product.


CAD Importer DLL 9.1

16.04.2013 14:21

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the release of CAD Importer DLL 9.1.

CAD Importer DLL is a library that is intended to be used by CAD developers in any DLL-supporting integrated development environment. The functionality of the product can be accessed from programming languages like C++, Visual Basic, Delphi. CAD Importer DLL is also .NET compatible meaning that VB.NET, C#, and J# developers can take full advantage of the product.

CAD Importer DLL provides an API for import of more than 30 both raster and vector formats, including AutoCAD® DWG/DXF, Autodesk® DWF, HPGL/HPGL2/PLT, HGL, CGM, SVG, TIFF, BMP, JPG, GIF etc. The library also provides sequential access to all the entities in the imported CAD drawing.


New Plugins versions

05.04.2013 12:17

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the release of new versions of its plugins:

  • CAD Image DLL plugin v.9,
  • CS_DXF.DLL plugin v.9,
  • CS_DWG.DLL plugin v.9,
  • CS_HPGL.DLL plugin v.9,
  • CS_SVG.DLL plugin v.9,
  • CS_CGM.DLL plugin v.9.

The new versions contain a lot of improvements:

  • Support of AutoCAD® DWG 2013 file format;
  • Improved visualization of SVG, DXF, HPGL, CGM and DWG;
  • Bug fixes.

more beta

29.03.2013 08:03

CADSoftTools is pleased to announce the launch of beta service - an improved free CAD viewer! allows to view drawings online in a web browser on any platform: Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone. The following formats are supported: AutoCAD® DWG, DXF, DWF, PLT, HPGL, SVG, CGM, EMF, WMF. In the nearest future will also allow to view 3D files: STEP, IGES and SAT (ACIS®).
