Cannot save changes to DXF file

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Cannot save changes to DXF file

Post by jasonz_2003 » 12 May 2006, 08:52

Hi Sergey,

I used the Save to DXF file method of TsgDXFImage to save changes I have done to the Entities (move rotate etc) to a new DXF file, but found the changes were not saved. Only a copy of original DXF were saved. All the changes were displaied correctly though. I used the FImg->Converter->Loads method, so I suppose the entities were actually changed. Why were they not saved? Do I need to made change in the Structuer Treeview as well?


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Post by support » 12 May 2006, 18:17

Hello Jason,

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<b>procedure</b> TsgDXFImage.SaveToFile(<b>const</b> FileName: string); 
is an old procedure. It is necessary for compatibility with previous versions of the library. It does not allow to save implemented changes.

It is necessary to use DXF Export VCL (available on: saving to a file. Methods how to save to a file can be found in the demo programs from CAD Import VCL package (available on:
<b>Important</b>: this method is based on import-export through Windows metafile. That is why complicated entities will be split to a sets of simple entities (lines etc.). Currently we work on direct export to overcome this restriction. I'll inform you when it will be available.


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Post by support » 12 May 2006, 18:50

Hi Jason,

1. Open demo in the ..\cadimportvcl\Delphi\Demos\TextChange+Color2LineWeight\.. folder.
2. Select <b>Project > Options...</b> menu command.
3. Select tab <b>Directories/Conditionals</b>.
4. Enter SG_USEDXFEXPORT to <b>Conditional defines:</b> edit box.
5. Biuld application, open CAD file and select <b>Save As DXF</b> menu command.


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