Device settings for batch print

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Device settings for batch print

Specifies the printer to use.


Displays the current printer, paper format and the port to which it is connected or its network location. Button Settings... calls standard Print Setup dialog window.

Paper orientation

Paper orientation can be


Orients and plots the drawing so that the short edge of the paper represents the top of the page.


Orients and plots the drawing so that the long edge of the paper represents the top of the page.

Fit to paper - draws files within current number of sheets.

Scale factor - allows defining exact correspondence between a line length on the paper sheet (in millimeters or in inches) and its length in drawing units. This correlation is expressed by the following formula: X = Y, where X – is one millimeter (or inch) of a sheet, Y – drawing units. Thus То есть Scale factor: 1:2 means that 1 sheet millimeter will contain two drawing points.

The most recently used standard scales are displayed in the following drop down list:

Predefined format

You can select any one of the standard format (DIN: A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) or input new size of the drawing (image).

Edit formats - calls Formats dialog box.


Allow nonprinting area - set this option on to draw an image without fitting inside of the sheet's drawing area.

What does it mean? Every printer defines an area where it puts ink. This is printable area. In most cases this area is less then sheet sizes. The difference between printable area and sheet sizes has standard values for every specific printer.

For instance, there is a drawing with bounding rectangle scaled 1:1 within sheet's extents. If Allow nonprinting area is off, the drawing will be limited by bounds of the printable area. Thus the image will be distorted - it will be less then its real size. If Allow nonprinting area is on, the drawing will be fitted in the bounds of the sheet sizes and the image will be printed precisely.

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