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Files looses activation

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 00:32
by Peter

I updated to version from september 13th, and I have strange behaviour:

when I have activated "Ctrl-Q" and click on a file, the viewer is activated and shows the drawing. But after one second the file looses its "activation" (the small lines around the file name), and it is no more possible to use the cursor-up and cursor-down to select the next file. But the panel with the filename stays activated ..

It is only possible to select another file with a mouse-click.


Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 10:30
by Peter
The wlx-file from September 8th does it better: it does not loose activation automatically and it is possible to use the cursor.

But it loose the activation when moving the mouse from the file panel to the view panel.


Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 17:19
by support
Hello Peter,

Thank you for the remark.
Updated <b>CAD View Plugin for Total Commander</b> is available on:

In this version when you activate <b>Ctrl+Q</b>:
<ul><li>file does not loose activation if mouse cursor is over the panel with files and folders </li>
<li>file looses activation if mouse cursor is over the panel where CADView plugin arises</li>
<li>files looses activation if mouse cursor moves from the position over the panel with files and folders to the panel where CADView plugin arises and back</li></ul>

please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 17:43
by Peter
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by support</i>
<br />..In this version when you activate <b>Ctrl+Q</b>:
<ul><li>file does not loose activation if mouse cursor is over the panel with files and folders </li>
<li>file looses activation if mouse cursor is over the panel where CADView plugin arises</li>
<li>files looses activation if mouse cursor moves from the position over the panel with files and folders to the panel where CADView plugin arises and back</li></ul>
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

So it is the same as the version from September 8th?


Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 18:01
by support
Yes, it is.
Making file panel active when moving mouse cursor back requires additional researches. The problem can't be solved at once. We will inform you when the update will be ready.


please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 12:22
by support
Hello Peter,

This problem has been solved. Updated pluging is available on:


please post questions to the forum or write to