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TC - Cadview Plugin: Info in Statusbar

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 23:13
by Peter
The new version of Cadview shows some infos - but which info???

The left area is empty - lost space ..

The next area: XxY - which units (mm, inches, Dots in HPGL?) Where is the point of origin?

Third part: Coordinates - the z-coordinate is always 0.000. Is it sensefull to display it.

Right area: Path and filename. The area is to small to display path and filename; in most cases filename and path is displayed in the other window od TC.

To my mind the status bar is a good idea, but it deserves some small improvements ..


Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 12:15
by Peter

some comments to this proposal?


Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 19:37
by support
Dear Peter,

Thank you very much for your useful and informative notes and remarks. Corrected CAD View Plugin for Total Commander is available on:

>The new version of Cadview shows some infos - but which info???
>The left area is empty - lost space ..

There are comments now about the functionality of control elements.

>The next area: XxY - which units (mm, inches, Dots in HPGL?) Where is the point of origin?

Dimensions has been added.

>Third part: Coordinates - the z-coordinate is always 0.000. Is it sensefull to display it.

Z coordinate is not equal to zero when the drawing is rotated only. It means that at one moment only a pair of axises can be active:
- open by AutoCAD DWG/DXF file;
- select View > 3D Views > Front menu command;
- select File > Save or File > Save As... menu command;
- open saved file by CAD View plugin;
- note that axis X is equal to zero.

>Right area: Path and filename. The area is to small to display path and filename; in most cases filename and path is displayed in the other window od TC.

This problem is solved.

Thanks a lot again for your help.


please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 17:24
by Peter

the new functions are fine,

<b>but</b> [:0][:0][:0]

one of the zoom function is gone[xx(]: With the last version I could "draw" a window with the left mouse-button and it zoomed immediatly to this window.

Now there are only the "+" and "-" zoom functions.

Please restore the zoom function.


Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 19:05
by support
Dear Peter!

Thank you very much for your precise notes!
This bug has been fixed:


please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 19:55
by Peter

it seems to work. [:)]
