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TC plugin error.

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 11:10
by Kimon
I just registered the plugin for TC.
I had used the free version before, and it's great.
I'm having a prob. though.
When i view a *.dxf file, sometimes i get an error:
"Destroy window error: access violation error at address 00000013.
Read of address 00000013."
Lister closes, and when i try to close TC it pops the error bellow:
"Access violation at 005BEFCA. Read of address 026c6fc8.
Report this error bla-bla-bla.."
When i restart TC, the CAD plugin can't view the file.
I play with the lister buttons a bit, then it opens it..??
Then i get an error about a window handler..(i couldn't reproduce that).
After a third TC restart seems to work ok.

Using Vista x64
TC 7.02a

Any fix available?
Or any way for me to investigate it further?



Thumbnails view seems to be broken, at least with this file..
I'll try to find some more files to test.
I could reproduce the other error.
After the plugin has open the file in lister, when i close lister, i get a TC error: "Destroy window error. Access violation at 00000001. Read of address 00000001."

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 17:42
by support
Dear Kimon,

Could you please send us your problem DXF files to ? Also we need your registration info for CADView plugin.


Please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 19:36
by Kimon
File send.