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.jpg output quality

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 22:44
by CC-D3
Is there a way to adjust the output quality/resolution (compression ratio) for the .jpg output using the CADImport.Net Tools?

Re: .jpg output quality

Posted: 08 Jan 2010, 11:57
by support
You can adjust resolution of the output raster file. Please try File -> Save Picture from main menu of Editor or Viewer demo.


Re: .jpg output quality

Posted: 08 Jan 2010, 19:51
by CC-D3
What properties of SetRasterSizeForm sets the cell size of the output?

Re: .jpg output quality

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 11:41
by support
There aren't properties within SetRasterSizeForm class to set the cell size of output. SetRasterSizeForm.ImageSize property specifies this parameter within cadImage.SaveToFile method in the demo application, but this property is read only. If you want to set size of Image programmatically, please use cadImage.SaveToFile method and specify its DRect parameter.


Re: .jpg output quality

Posted: 11 Jan 2010, 19:45
by CC-D3
Thank you for you reply. However, I would like to adjust the image quality (compression ratio) without adjusting the image dimensions. Sounds as if the cadImage.SaveToFile method is using a fixed compression ratio for .jpg files, based on the DRect Height and Width properties. So the image quality cannot be adjusted without changing the image dimensions, is this correct?

Re: .jpg output quality

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 12:33
by support
Raster image is technically characterized by the width and height of the image in pixels. Setting Drect parameter within cadImage.SaveToFile method will affect number of the pixels.
