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CADImporterDLL can't read the text correcttly

Posted: 30 May 2005, 05:10
by Li Yunbo
When creating text with "%%" in DWG, it can't get the correct content using CADImporterDLL.
For example, when I create DWG that only has a string "4%%13122", It will show "4?22" in autocad, But CADImporterDLL can't read the correct content as "4%%13122". It will read the content as "4?2" incorrecttly.

Posted: 24 Oct 2005, 04:08
by Li Yunbo
The new version CADImporterDLL can't read correcttly when "%%" in DWG Text yet. "%%131" is useful information in the string "4%%13122", while "?" ignored the useful information. Using the new vesion "4%%13122" and "4%%13222" show the same "4?22", They can't be distinguished.

Posted: 24 Oct 2005, 10:08
by support

Could you please send to us on any DWG with this problem for we could check it and find the solution.


please post questions to the forum or write to

Posted: 05 Apr 2007, 14:59
by support

This problem has been solved.
CADImporter.DLL with double precision is available at:


Please post questions to the forum or write to