Importing arcs as arcs, not as polyline

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Importing arcs as arcs, not as polyline

Post by enrico.detoma » 01 Apr 2010, 16:00

Hi all,

I'm using CADImporterDLL to import DXF files which contain arcs (an example is attached).

I would like to import arcs as arcs, not as polylines, because I have an algorithm to convert arcs to bezier curves and those fit better than polylines for my purposes.

I notice that, often, arcs are imported incorrectly like in the attached file: when importing the attached file in the VC++ demo application with the option "Options => Arcs As Curves/Poly => As Curves", the result is garbage, while using "Options => Arcs As Curves/Poly => As Polyline" the result appears correct.

How can I make CADImporterDLL import arcs as arcs correctly?

Thank you
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Re: Importing arcs as arcs, not as polyline

Post by support » 02 Apr 2010, 18:08

When using option Arcs As curves, CAD Importer DLL draw image using GDI. Unfortunately GDI API doesn't allow correct visualization such file as you upload because rotation of some elements.

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