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Application Startup slow in RDP after CADImport reference

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 08:33
by shantisoftware
Hi All,

Our application is being run on a combination of pc's and 1 terminal server environment.
After adding a reference to CADImport in our application, it is suffering a very long load time, but only in the terminal server environment.

Any ideas as to what this is about?

Re: Application Startup slow in RDP after CADImport referenc

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 18:00
by support
Hello John,

It depends on the code which is executed on the application startup. Can we see this code?


Re: Application Startup slow in RDP after CADImport referenc

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 03:56
by shantisoftware
We used process monitor to trace this back to the cryptographic windows service. We restarted that service and everything is back to normal.
It just coincided with the rollout where we implemented the CAD.Net control so it was our first choice for the villain.

Thanks for your time.